The SR CounterTrend strategies captured $7,300 today while Adaptive Moving Average held a short into the close for +$3,100. The other trend strategies had loses. Overall the gain on the day for the Stock Index Portfolio strategies winners minus losers was +$3,600.
Choppy trading day with a 270+ point counter trend rally in the E-mini Nasdaq. We had some nice shorts that were quickly stopped out. SR CounterTrend strategies stepped in near the highs and all hit their profit targets, putting us in a good place for the Adaptive Moving Average trading systems short that was up 60+ points on the day.
So many research questions I ask on days like today as I see room for improvement. Bigger profit targets, parabolic trailing stop losses, and VIX filters are some of the ideas for more diverse exits.
i will be busy researching and updating strategies to give us the right edge in this market environment.
The talking heads in the financial media continue to say the same thing. They always assume that these are pullbacks that will quickly rally to new highs. We have to consider the fact that maybe the short term fundamentals have changed with corona virus and presidential candidates.
We don’t short markets because we like to see the market go down. We are short term traders and work to trade towards the truth. We take long and short trades and have to make money in every type of market environment.
A moving average strategy did it today!