The Momentum Reversal E-mini S&P and Nasdaq were the highlight of the day capturing both the long and short side of the market making up for losses in other strategies.
We are still waiting for a drawdown in the portfolio to start live trading signals. Robot 2022 NQ is on for live trading but there was no signal today.
The hypothetical trades for the 200K Portfolio trading 1 E-mini on each of the 20 strategies was +$3,557.50 and the 50K Portfolio was +$1,067.50 trading 3 micros.
The current drawdown is about $6,500.
The market sold off and rallied the way it did yesterday but then there was sharp selling in the afternoon (versus choppy price action yesterday afternoon). The Bank of England told pension funds to re-balance their portfolios over the next three days.
The NYSE TICK hit its lowest level based on the afternoon session since January 26, 2022.