The 250K Portfolio was -$2,700 on the day versus the hypotheticals of -$4,300 on the day with some extremely good fills on the trades around CPI that worked to our advantage. We are down -4.3% on the year enduring some extremely choppy markets and low winning percentages in this cycle. The slightest bit of mean reversion in this pattern could be very favorable.
The Stock Index Portfolio 27 Emini was +$3,395.00 on the day.
The Stock Index Portfolio 27 Micro was +$339.50 on the day taking the same trades as the E-minis.
The Stock Index Portfolio 27 took fewer trades than the 250K Portfolio Stock Indexes with only, 5 total, 1 on the E-mini S&P and 4 on the Emini Nasdaq and did well on the day, giving a nice bounce with some very efficient trading.
The 250K Portfolio had 12 stock index strategies taking trades today as well as Crude, Soybeans, Euro Currency and Silver. There were some nice shorts on the day but other strategies took some losing trades. The market that was most positive in the 250K Portfolio today was Silver. The live results were better than the hypotheticals with a flurry of activity on CPI news. The hypothetical results for Silver were +$75 while the live results were +$1,675. This helped us improve our results in live trading.
CPI was hotter than expected and the market made most of its trend overnight. The massive chop intra-day has been extremely harsh the last 7 days. The Nasdaq was at all time highs intra-day yesterday. The open was almost a 3% drop from those highs with most of the selloff in the overnight and pre-market.
We are sitting at the worst case hypothetical drawdown levels in this portfolio looking for a bounce. We have been correct on the long term direction with an interest in taking long trades up until this weekend when we published the RSI Divergence video. We don't position based on RSI Divergences on the daily chart but have anticipated this move lower. Many strategies had good shorts today but the constant prop up pattern has been a thorn in the day trade trend and pre-empted natural distribution days. It seems to be correlated with the extra liquidity from monetary and fiscal policy which are the same forces that have driven CPI higher.
The rally at the open and then again at the close make it difficult to capitalize on day trade shorts.
The good news is the VIX spiked up today to 17.94 and then closed at 15.85. A change in trend can be volatile. It would be nice to see a real distribution day. Historically the bears get favorable price action on occasion, even in a bull market, more frequently than this in an open to close day session.
The V-Reversal strategies that we developed and want to work into this portfolio did have some positive results.
V-Reversal I NQ = +$1,975 V-Reversal II NQ = +$1,975 V-Reversal III NQ = -$2,690 V-Reversal IV NQ No Trades
V-Reversal V NQ = -$1,035