The price action around CPI was very volatile. Some signals were rejected with Gold Flash being the main signal rejected. The price action was head spinning as the strategies reversed positions in the stock index many times. There was a drawdown around CPI at 8:30 am EST. The strategies took some nice shorts at the open and were up 1% on the day.
The quick reversal took back short profits and put us back to breakeven as the strategies started accumulating long trades. The uptrend extension was extreme with some of the long signal wins making the shorts that lost on the reversal look small. Momentum Reversal NQ was one of the top strategies once again.

The live results for the One Million MNS 128 was up 2.9% on the day with the 250K Portfolio up $5,800. The hypothetical results for the Stock Index Portfolio was +$8,110 per Emini and +$818 per Micro.
It was a nice gain on the day in live trading. There was additional slippage, and technical errors and the effort to correct technical errors, so that we underperformed the hypotheticals on the day.
The results are positive on the month.
PPI is tomorrow. The market continues to have massive sell offs and then reversals. Today's reversal patterns was magnified on CPI. The liquidity still likes to buy the dip and we joined in on it today.
Great day! Never forget 9/11.