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Live Trading System Signals on 09/16/2024

Capstone Trading

The live results for the One Million MNS 128 was -0.44% today while the 250K Portfolio was down -$880 on the day in live trading. The hypothetical results for the Stock Index Portfolio 18 was -$6,665 per E-mini and -$672.50 per Micro.

The trades today put the Stock Index Portfolio 18 in a drawdown entry alert since the drawdown coming into the day was -$3,340 per E-mini and the trades today put the portfolio into -$10K drawdown per E-mini. The drawdown entry alert for the Stock Index Portfolio 18 is between $10 - $12K.

It was a sloppy day with the rollover alert and moving from the September to December contract in the stock indexes. The slippage has been surprisingly greater than average all month - which could be an indicator of a larger move ahead. There is no historical data to show that higher slippage could lead to larger moves, but it represents a sloppy market instead of an orderly market. Sloppy markets can lead to some massive moves.

We will trade tomorrow but pause trading on Wednesday for FOMC. It will be interesting to see what the Fed does on Wednesday. Will they cut 0.25 or cut 0.50 or not at all? The financial media has talked this to death and the potential scenarios are interesting.

The VIX closed at 17.14 today.

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1 Comment

Michael Puett
Michael Puett
Sep 17, 2024

Im getting -$441.5 on the SI 18 portfolio for the micros. I rolled all contracts sunday night, and after today closed and re-opened trade station. Some of the strategies are different (viper won in the live trading for me today but after re-opening the trade is gone).. Even after re-opening trade station Im still in the -400 to -500 range. Not sure which other strategy lost for you? V-reversal lost 1 and won 1 (-$116.5); gap continuation lost (-$122.5); momentum reversal lost 2 (-245); silver CT won (+$42.50)

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