The One Million MNS was up +0.18% while the 250K Portfolio was up +$360 on the day in live trading as we started trading the One Million MNS 128 with a wide range of markets.
The hypothetical results for the Stock Index Portfolio 18 was +$2,615 per E-mini and +$257.50 per Micro.
The big VIX Divergence that we spotted yesterday was an example of how the liquidity has the tendency to come in when there are sell signals in the market. We tested the Big VIX Divergence and find it inconclusive based on the sample size. It is certainly a head fake when the VIX jumps 50% and the market remains bid. If the market doesn't sell off on a surge in the VIX, then it can be indicative of a strong market.
The rally today was stealth with a slow gap up, followed by an incomplete Reversal pattern, with a rally at the close.