The One Million MNS was + 0.16% today while the 250K Portfolio was up +$325 in live trading. We rotated down to the 70 strategy portfolio today since the 128 strategy portfolio hit equity peaks yesterday and the risk to worse case drawdown was 5%. The 70 strategy portfolio was in about a 10K out of 30K drawdown so the risk to worse case drawdown was 2%. The live trading this week went on a nice run with Tuesday-Friday showing gains.
The Stock Index Portfolio 18 hypothetical results were -$240 on the day per E-mini and +$0.50 per Micro. The Cobra III signals for the Micro and E-mini were different today with the Micro results slightly better. The Cobra III E-mini S&P was -$625 while the Cobra III Micro ES was +$57.50. The Cobra III E-mini Nasdaq was +$240 while the Cobra III Micro Nasdaq was -$72.50. The metals in this portfolio did not trade today.
The V-Reversal trading system did not trade today.
The divergent rotation trade was back on today as the Russell 2000 is supposed to make a surprising bullish move by the end of the year according to some "experts". The Russell 2000 futures were up +1.96% while the Nasdaq futures were around breakeven on the day. The S&P 500 was also up and the VIX managed to remain above 20 to close the week.
The elevated VIX continues to remain the most interesting observation from my perspective. The last few days, it feels like a low VIX (sub 15 level) grind higher in the indexes. After the first 37 minutes the Nasdaq range for the rest of the day session was about 100 points.