The 200K Portfolio was up $800 on the day and the 50K Portfolio was up $200. The hypothetical results were $845 and $253.50 respectively.
It was a gap down and rally day. I anticipated higher prices based on yesterday's trade, and I still do. Today was an adjustment for the prop up price action as the market gapped down and then rallied back. It's been a week since last Thursday's 5% rally. The market is treading water right here and being very stealth in its intentions. James Bullard's comment on interest rates pulled the market lower today. I wouldn't be surprised to see that rally we talked about yesterday start tomorrow.
We also had a VIX Divergence today with the VIX moving lower while the Nasdaq and S&P also moved lower. If the VIX is the "smart money" then this is bullish.
The market has spent most of its time since June 16th above the June 16th lows and the momentum to the downside has really slowed down. Seasonals and bullish liquidity seem to be in place.
The Blitz was down about 7k today and the reward to risk is starting to favor adding the Blitz setup once again. I will update the Portfolio Calculator and let you know before the open tomorrow if we decide to turn on the Blitz for Friday's trade. Friday's have been one of our strongest trading day's in recent trade. To turn on Blitz while it is in about a 24k drawdown out of 40k could be more favorable since the Stock Index 18 MIT alone is in about a 3k drawdown out of 26k.
The Nasdaq strategies were 3 for 6 on the day while the S&P strategies were 2 for 2.