The hypothetical results for the One Million MNS 130 was +1.1% today while the One Million MNS 128 was +0.86% today, both getting back a portion of yesterday's gains. Most of the gains were the dip buy that occurred shortly after the open as V-Reversal NQs captured the move. The afternoon wore on in a very quiet light volume trading.
The hypothetical results for the 250K Portfolio today is 1/5th of the results of the One Million MNS 130 or 128 which would be +2.2K or 1.7K, depending on the portfolio. We are still working our drawdown entry alert and comparing the 130 to the 128 for the best ratio.
The hypothetical results for the Stock Index Portfolio 18 was -$275 per Emini and -$27.50 per Micro.
The market remains extremely stable and in a holding pattern right now, waiting to turn on the greed and zoom to new highs once they get "permission" from NVDA and then the Fed. The next Fed meeting is mid-September. We are still anticipating a drawdown entry at some point through next week based on drawdown patterns. September can be volatile, but our strategies are setup for that mode of the market.
The market could be sloppy tomorrow and hit our drawdown entry alert, while it waits on NVDA after the bell. NVDA always seems to zoom higher on earnings. It's possible there is a negative surprise at some point. NVDA certainly affects the Nasdaq. We trade the futures both long and short and are ready for any market scenario.