The One Million MNS 130 trading signals were down -$1,300 and the 250K Portfolio was down -$260. These are hypothetical results since we are waiting for a drawdown entry alert. The hypothetical results for the Stock Index Portfolio 18 were +$2,015 while the Micros were + $193.50.
The strength of the One Million MNS 130 today was energies and metals, both with nice trends in Gold and Crude Oil that were captured by trading system signals. The stock indexes were down overall in a choppy session with the biggest losses in the E-mini S&P.
The Stock Index Portfolio 18 has hit equity peaks five days in a row with some nice gains in Gold.
The dip buyers continued to go to work today and to put in a series of higher lows in the Stock Indexes as the market tries to regain footing and surge to new highs once again. The day ended quietly as the market is waiting on two inflation readings Tuesday and Wednesday morning in the pre-market.