The hypothetical results for the One Million MNS was -$10,035 while the 250K Portfolio was down -$2,000 on the day. The Stock Index Portfolio 18 was up +$320 per E-mini with a big short on Gap Continuation 2023 NQ. Any sort of momentum short trades have been difficult to come by the last couple of years. We have even turned short trades to "Off" in our Gap Continuation 2020 NQ. It's been possible to short rallies but shorting a sell off has been more difficult than we have ever seen it in the Nasdaq futures the last two years with so much liquidity flowing into the market.
We saw an extreme divergence where the Russell 2000 was up over 3% while the S&P was down almost -1%. We haven't seen this divergence since the Great Financial Crisis in 2008.
We have seen the portfolio post continuous equity peaks this month. Now we move towards a drawdown entry alert with this "shake up".
The July 4th holiday FOMO accelerated yesterday just in time for insiders to "sell the news" today on the lower CPI reading, taking profits and rotating into value. In this case, "selling the news" was going long value stocks in the Russell 2000 and selling the growth stocks such as NVDA and AAPL.
One of the highlights is the Bonds NR trading system that has recently been added to the Portfolio Calculator. Today was CPI. Tomorrow we get PPI at 7:30 am CST and Consumer Sentiment at 9:00 am CST.