Discover advanced trading strategies for the futures markets. Trade multiple futures markets such as the E-mini S&P, Crude Oil, Euro Currency, DAX, and German Bund. Advanced techniques include multiple exit strategies and trend filtering. We discuss coding logic and include the open code for NinjaTrader’s C# and Tradestation’s EasyLanguage which also works in MultiChart's PowerLanguage.
We challenge the Lies of Wall Street that put money in your brokers pocket instead of yours with our Trading System Principles. “You can’t go broke taking profits” (indeed you can!) and “Don’t let a winning trade turn into a losing trade” (not always true) are two biased trading “pearls” that can hurt your trading account if they aren’t applied correctly.
This books offers a practical approach to trading systems and allows you to learn by example. You don't have to have to have a PhD to be a quant or to trade with an automated algorithm.
- Trading Systems for the Euro Currency, Crude Oil, E-mini S&P, DAX, Bund, and more..
- Everyone knows about a gap fill. How to trade the next move after a gap fill.
- Complete Open Code Disclosed- Tradestation, NinjaTrader, MultiCharts with C# as well as Powerlanguage/Easylanguage.
- MACD and Stochastic Strategy Setups - How to use the MACD Indicator and Stochastics in a real world strategy to trade with the trend.
- Multi contract exit strategies. Does trading multiple exit strategies really work? We break it down.
- Multi trend detection techniques - Chapter 15. This is an introduction on how to employ artificial intelligence techniques.
- And So Much More... 300+ pages for a comprehensive approach to strategy development.