Last week we published a trading system for the E-mini Nasdaq futures to potentially use in a Prop Firm Challenge and for live trading.
This week we publish this strategy for Gold futures. This strategy, like the E-mini Nasdaq strategy, will work in NinjaTrader 8, Multicharts, and Tradestation.
In this video we compare the results going back to 2019 in Gold futures in the Tradestation and NinjaTrader 8 trading platforms. The results are almost identical with 408 trades in both platforms. This strategy also works in Multicharts.
The strategy can be traded with Micros or regular futures contracts.
This strategy has been on a hot streak, with 5 winners in a row. We recommend waiting for 1-2 losers before starting with live trades since it has been on a "hot streak".
Subscribe here or below to the Gap Continuation 2020 GC trading system. The special offer through May 31 includes both Gap Continuation 2020 GC and NQ trading system. Subscribers last week will automatically receive the Gold Gap Continuation 2020 update.