The Portfolio Calculator has been updated through the end of April 2024.
The live results for the 250K Managed was +$13,790. 00. The hypotheticals were $8,049.50 since it traded 20% of the One Million MNS 110. The One Million MNS 110 was up +$40,247.50. We outperformed the hypotheticals since we started on a drawdown on April 10 and stopped after two equity peaks in a row on April 26. We are now waiting for a drawdown to start again.
The hypotheticals for the Portfolios released at the end of March for Aprils trade are:
Stock Index Portfolio 18 = +$25,777.60 One Million MNS 110 = +$40,247.50 Top 50 Select = +$23,362.50 50K Portfolio = +$4,225.00